Heart Shaped Cake
Making a cake in the shape of a heart is easier than you might think…no pan needed!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Charles Schulz once said “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” So what better way to celebrate both love and chocolate than with a heart shaped cake? You don’t even need to buy a special pan!
First bake your favorite cake in two cake rounds (any size). Cool and frost with a very thin layer of frosting (called a crumb coat):

Score your frosted cake down the middle and across so it looks like you’ve got a “t” right in the middle of your cake. Using a serrated knife, cut off the rounded, bottom portions so the bottom comes to a point and the whole thing resembles an ice cream cone:

Add additional frosting across the top portion of the cake. Using your hands (this is the messy part!), attach the two cut portions of the cake along the top, like Mickey Mouse ears. Press cut sections into the fresh frosting, molding them with your hands so they adhere and conform to the cake. Frost the entire cake with a second crumb coat and refrigerate for half an hour.

Remove from refrigerator and top with final coat of frosting. Decorate and enjoy!